Friday 22 February 2013

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan battled volcanoes, early-era Internet dating, and West Coast insomnia. Julia Roberts and Richard Gere overcame severe cases of vertigo and gamophobia. Woody Allen and Diane Keaton endured New York heartbreak, long-term cryostasis, and the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte. And now, tacking a new foray onto a résumé that includes memory loss and '80s hair, we have Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. The Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates headliners might be reteaming for a new romantic comedy, originally titled Blended, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter.

There's something comforting about recurring rom-com couples, in seeing two people take up together in a bout of wacky, amorous high jinks, knowing before even sitting down in the theater that the onscreen chemistry will be ripe for the picking. The '98 film The Wedding Singer was Sandler's first crowd pleaser not steeped primarily in scatological humor, proving him adept at soft-spoken charm opposite a newly back-on-track Barrymore. The two reteamed for the far less stellar 50 First Dates six years later, not exactly recharging the heart-throbbery of "I Wanna Grow Old with You," but not diminishing the appeal of the duo so much as to cast out all hope for any potential further pairings. Let's just hope this next one doesn't end with a message that trivializes the difficulties of permanent brain damage.

In fact, the developing film — with which Sandler is officially signed and Barrymore is top choice for female lead — will place the central characters at a family resort with one another and their respective children (from previous marriages) shortly after a first date that didn't quite go so well.

Although Sandler rose to prominence on his special brand of juvenile humor, the now 46-year-old actor seems to fare better with roles of sincerity. Sandler's greatest achievements of the last decade and change were Punch Drunk Love (unquestionably), Funny People(more polarizing, but we stand by it), and Spanglish (oh come on — it's pretty good!). While he continues to churn out Jack & Jills andThat's My Boys, we can hope that this new potential reunuion with Barrymore will mark a return to the form of the first time we saw Sandler break out of his shackles of stupidity.

But for those who are still into Sandler silliness, The Ridiculous 6 is also on the way, so... don't you worry, either.
With a new level of gravitas afforded to the comic book genre, superhero movies are able to attract esteemed thespians to handle their assortment of characters, both good and evil. When Marvel Studios announced that Iron Man 3 would be handing its supervillain The Mandarin to Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley, many wondered which pieces of the actor's venerated film history he might channel for the new character. Would we be seeing traces of Mohandas Gandhi in the passionate Mandarin? Maybe the severity and compassion he brought to Schindler's List, or the subtle tenderness afforded Hugo? How about The Dictator?

From the looks of the new poster, Kingsley might have picked up a few fashion tips from Sacha Baron Cohen while on set for their 2012 comedyThe Dictator. The bushy beard, the Top Gun-esque aviators, the absent facial expression... if Megan Fox shows up in any of the new Iron Man 3 trailers, we might be in trouble.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Denise Richards spends some quality family time with her daughters at the Beverly Glen Center in Bel-Air.

Denise Richards stepped out in Bel-Air Calif. on Friday baring an alarmingly skinny set of arms, raising some questions about the actress' health.

Richards was seen taking her three kids Eloise, Lola and Sam for ice cream when it appeared there could be some cause for worry.

"Denise has always been thin. Her whole family is thin," a close friend of Richards tell the Huffington Post. "She hasn't changed anything, her workout is still Pilates. But she is literally on the go non-stop. She's a single mom to three active girls, and sometimes helps Brooke [Mueller] out with her boys. That alone keeps her moving non-stop."

Richards and her girls just suffered a loss when her 13-year-old French bulldog named Hank died.

Denise Richards spends some quality family time with her daughters at the Beverly Glen Center in Bel-Air.
"The last few months she has been working a lot and just juggling everything," the source continued.

As of late the skinny star has made a cameo on Bravo's "Millionare Matchmaker" to help her dad Irv Richards find love since his wife's passing.

Richards is also set to work with Kathy Najimy in the ABC drama, "Socio," which is a family mystery drama about a 16-year-old girl returning home after a murder conviction.

As far as Richards' personal fitness goes, "she has honestly never felt better," said the source. "It's important for her to always instill good, healthy body image to her girls. I don't think she's lost weight, maybe just leaned out a little and certainly not on purpose."

Courtesy of Trulia, Courtesy of Alexandra Wyman/WireImage

Pamela Anderson is ready to go all the way.

The Baywatch babe has finally put her longtime Malibu home on the market after opting to rent it out last year, explaining that she had been spending so much time in her native Canada that she no longer needed the place full-time.

"I'm finally willing to share my masterpiece—what I've co-created with a handful of green architects and designers/inspired by my favorite architect Lautner—this is my humble stab at perfection," she wrote last year of her completely renovated abode. "It's a magical spot."

Pam fell a little behind on her taxes recently

The "magical spot" on ritzy Malibu Colony Road, which Anderson has lived in since being married to Tommy Lee in the mid-1990s and then afterward with their two children, boasts five bedrooms and three bathrooms in 2,700 square feet. She is asking $7.75 million.

"Walking distance from all things Malibu, this finely crafted, teak sided home is perfect for the renter wanting to enjoy quiet, beach days while being close to the action," reads the listing on, which also cites Pamela Anderson Design among those responsible for the look of the place.

There's a gourmet kitchen, a home theater and a pool, plus the residence's various electronic functionalities are controllable by three iPads stationed around the house.

Actress Pamela Anderson has been meeting with non-governmental organisation officials in Haiti to discuss ways to prevent the burning of woodlands for farming.

The former Baywatch star has been working with the Inga Foundation, which aims to prevent the so-called slash and burn technique to clear land for agricultural use, and she previously travelled to Honduras to help implement more sustainable methods, which experts claim will prevent the increase of global warming.

She recently headed to Haiti to assess the conditions there and to suggest sustainable solutions to stop deforestation and global warming to leading environmental activists, and she is confident a plan will soon be in place to improve agricultural systems in the poverty-stricken country, which was devastated by an earthquake in 2010.

In a post titled, Home from Haiti, Anderson praised the work of volunteers from charities like Sean Penn's J/P Haitian Relief Organization (Jphro) for their rebuilding efforts and their work to provide shelter for those left homeless by the natural disaster, writing, "Just Back from Haiti- Worthy improvements have been made- due to such incredible organizations-such as Jphro - I visited more than 2 yrs (years) ago- and was pleasantly surprised at their accomplishments- not only re homing (sic) people- but in rubble removal- Health care and providing and repairing schools..."

Expanding on her own work there, she continues, "The main purpose of my visit (my area of interest) was to bring Inga foundation to visit with Ngo's in Agricultural and reforestation areas- having great success in Honduras (where I visited)- in food security and reforestation-I am hoping same can be done in Haiti- great relationships brewing- things look promising- though their work is cut out for them, it's time to act."

On Sunday, all of Hollywood's shiniest movie stars will step out on the red carpet to celebrate the past year's accomplishments in film at the 85th Annual Academy Awards. In addition jaw-dropping fashion (both awe- and ugh-inspiring), the red carpet is home to some of the awards show's most memorable moments.

Last year, Angeline Jolie's right leg made its first appearance, earning its own Twitter acount (@AngiesRightLeg) and Sacha Baron Cohen(dressed as The Dictator) dumped ashes on Ryan Seacrest. Could the 2013 red carpet be as promising? This year, VH1's Big Morning Buzz Live host Carrie Keagan is acting as's official Oscars Red Carpet Twitter correspondent, keeping all of us up to date on anything and everything that goes down Sunday on the red carpet.

Another Hollywood couple is on the way out: Josh Brolin and Diane Lane have decided to split up after eight years of marriage. Fortunately, there's no crazy drama surrounding their split — it's just over (not that that's not sad).

"Diane Lane and Josh Brolin have decided to end their marriage," reps for the actors tell Us Weekly. A source tells the mag, "It was a mutual decision. It is very amicable. It's not ugly, it's just over."

Lane, 48, and Brolin, 45, married in August 2004 and, according to Us Weekly, split a few months ago. The actors, who were both married once before, have no children together. Brolin made headlines early in 2013 when he was arrested for public intoxication in Santa Monica on New Year's Day.

Brolin starred in January's Gangster Squad, and will be seen in the upcoming 2013 releases Oldboy and Labor Day. Lane plays Superman's mother, Martha Kent, in the latest caped crusader reboot, Man of Steel, in theaters June 14.